
Tidbits Of My Life// A New Job, Moving To Another City and 31st B’day

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. Thank you for sticking around. I haven’t been active on the blog since I got a new job in July. If you read my last Tidbits post, you’ll know that I had been searching for a job for almost a year and finally got one! So, I was busy settling into my current role and focusing on my work. But I am back now and hope to be more active here.

My new job ended up being in Pune, a city only three hours away from my home in Kalyan. I lived in a PG initially, which is a kind of hostel, while I searched for an apartment. Work started in the meantime. The apartment of my choice became available after a month and I moved in and became busy making it a home. It has been two months since I moved in and I am quite happy with the place.

Living in a new city was quite hard at first. I am used to a functional public transportation system in Mumbai, which is lacking in Pune. I live in the suburbs near my workplace and going to the city usually means taking Uber, which is definitely not cheap. You need to know how to drive a car or ride a two-wheeler to make your life easier here, and I can unfortunately do neither. I also feel homesick now and then and my brother lives more than an hour away, so he visits only on some weekends.

But!! I brought some of my books from home and rented a bookshelf and a desk (because it was cheaper than buying them haha) and had a lovely time arranging the books on the shelves. I also hope to buy some art prints later for wall decor. It’s my first rental apartment and I am enjoying living on my own.

I also celebrated my 31st birthday, which fell on Sunday (yay!) this month with a close friend who came to visit from another city.

Despite the setbacks, life has been good. I hope it continues to be so.

How has your life been recently? Anything you would like to share?

4 thoughts on “Tidbits Of My Life// A New Job, Moving To Another City and 31st B’day

  1. Happy birthday dear!!
    I’m happy to hear about the job AND the appartment! the wait for a place to live definately could’ve been longer; a month is really not that bad. Also- renting furnitures?? didn’t knew that was a thing ahah

    Hope you settles in well, and adapt fast in this new environment xx

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  2. Congratulations again on the new job! I’m glad you’ve settled in well, both to the role and your new home. Homesickness runs so rampant in those first few weeks, but I hope you’ll be able to find fresh routines and make new friends soon too.

    I’m similarly settling into a new role right now, so life feels both busy and quiet. It’s been nice!

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