Books · Project14lists

My Bookish Resolutions of 2019


This is my fifth list in the #Project14lists, a blogging project initiated by the lovely Shealea. She is also hosting a great giveaway. If you haven’t checked it out already, find all the details here.

Today I will list out all my bookish resolutions that I have decided to follow for the year of 2019.

But before I talk about the upcoming year, let’s review the current year. I had zero book-related resolutions this year. I read very few books this year too as a result of being in a reading slump for most of the months and the end result was a large quantity of partly-read or DNFed books. Not a good reading year, to say the least. But I am currently reading “Every Heart A Doorway” and I feel that is bringing me out of my slump. Here’s hoping for the best.

So, I have decided that I will have an extensive reading schedule in the next year and will keep track of my reading, by noting down the no. of pages I will read, a list of TBR for each month, etc. Quite an ambitious endeavour, but one has to start somewhere.

Let’s get on with the resolutions, then.

1. To read more Classics

I have decided to read more classics such as Pride and Prejudice, Anna Karenina and more in the next year.


2. To read Six of Crows Duology

I read the book “Shadow and Bone” by Leigh Bardugo a few years ago but didn’t like it much. So, I wasn’t sure whether to pick up her book “Six of Crows”. But I have heard so many good things about the Duology, which consists of the first book “Six of Crows” and the sequel “Crooked Kingdom”, that I have decided to pick it up in the next year.

3. To read more Indian authors

I haven’t read many books written by Indian authors. I am hoping to do that in the next year.

4. To keep track of my reading

I will keep track of my reading next year by planning my TBR every month, noting down the no. of pages I read every day, making sure to read at least a couple of pages every day, etc..

5. To read more Shakespeare

I am hoping to read Romeo and Juliet and some other plays of Shakespeare.

Well, this is my list of bookish resolutions for 2019 for the moment. I am planning to add more as the year goes by depending on my progress. What are your bookish resolutions for 2019? Let me know in the comments below!

13 thoughts on “My Bookish Resolutions of 2019

  1. Plenty of good resolutions there !!
    My bookish ones for next year is basically to read more during daytime .. as so far I read only before bed, nd we all know how dangerous that can be ahah ! Also i’d get way more reading done if I just, read more outside of that

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are great goals! I hope you’ll get to achieve all of these and I hope you’ll enjoy Six of Crows! I was so nervous to read it because of the hype but, in the end, I’m so glad I did because I loved it so much 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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